Riding in Mike Maloney’s Tesla and The Hidden Secrets of Money – Episode 3

This summer I took a trip in a Tesla with Mike Maloney.

The Tesla is the most amazing vehicle. It’s battery operated, fast as freaking anything, efficient, and is the only car tested that would not roll Mike Maloney Tesla Roadsterno matter what. It is security with amazing power, balance, fun and efficiency.

While my face was pinned against the back of the seat from the G force of the zero to gazillion in 3.0 seconds, I was impressed as only an artist can be, from the design, efficiency and beauty of movement as we hugged the sharp little curves of the roads of Topanga canyon. High above Santa Monica we stopped for an organic brunch at the quintessential Californian handmade cafe, and talked about gold, running a business, our pasts, books, and a million lovely things.

Mike and I both come to economics as a “why” person. Music I write comes from my research and desire to know what makes people do what they do, the cycles that influence us, and how we can feel calm and peaceful by knowing why things have gone on the way they have, and how we can choose what to do about it for a good future. Mike comes from not just the specific “what is going on” in economics, but the “why” of economics.

Mike is like a Tesla.

After an intense amount of personal research, learned and memorized by hearing instead of reading, Mike straight out teaches about sound money. About “why”.

I was invited to stay at a guest house on Mike’s property in the hills above Santa Monica and to go to the GoldSilver company party to celebrate and premiere Episode 3 of The Hidden Secrets of Money – From Dollar Crisis to Golden Opportunity. His home and property are like a dream. A mix between Swiss Family Robinson and Avatar, as Dan Rubock, Media Director and all around amazing person, explained. He was right.

I didn’t take pictures, because it’s Mike’s home, but there were different little guest buildings on different levels on the side of the canyon, all landscaped and green, with lights in the trees, hand placed stepping stones, and laser lights at night. A waterfall, fire pit, and a little “cave” area where Dan set up the episode for us all to watch and cheer.

These people are wonderful. They believe in what they are doing and they are having a good time doing it. I would pack up my backpack and move there to join them all in a heartbeat.

We ate amazing food, laughed, and played music. Dan and I played “Helicopter Ben” together, which will be featured in Episode 4 coming up next month, and we jammed with a mix of great musicians. Heaven.

During brunch the next morning, Mike and I chatted about new directions, and it struck me how much he cares about people, and how this coming monetary event is going to affect the middle class. He is very generous with his ideas, his time and his care.

Dan Rubock and Elaine Diane Taylor

Dan took me out in the Tesla too (Dan drives faster ;) ). Up to the top of the mountain above Mike’s home, where we stopped and looked over the edge, down on the clouds. When they parted Las Angeles was small and gothic-looking way below.

Mike gave me a gift that I can’t even tell you about.

I wish I could take a picture and show you because it’s beautiful, but I promised I wouldn’t, so you’ll just have to wait and see what he’s got in store.

The Tesla ride was very cool. Spending time with Mike, Dan, and their whole team was like looking under the hood of the vehicle called GoldSilver.com.

Mike Maloney and his GoldSilver team are just like a Tesla – all about security with power, fun, beauty and balance.

And what’s under the hood?

Pure gold.


Coins and Crowns

words and music Elaine Diane Taylor

©2011 Intelligentsia Media Inc.


available on iTunes

as featured in Episode 1 of Hidden Secrets of Money


Updated October 14, 2013

The gift that Mike gave me was a beautiful Pegasus silver round. The Pegasus was released today at GoldSilver.com, and the process of minting it is shown in this video produced by Dan Rubock.


4 thoughts on “Riding in Mike Maloney’s Tesla and The Hidden Secrets of Money – Episode 3

  1. I was watching Episode 3 this morning, and thinking to myself what a wonderful guy Mike Maloney comes across as being. I was hoping his media demeanour is sincere, but one never knows… So coming across your post was quite serendipitous! Thank you for sharing your experiences. From one Vancouver-ite to another!


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